Permit Costs
Permit Regulations
Building a new home?
Building a new home requires a building permit which can be obtained at the City Office. If you have any questions on permits pleas contact us.
Our mission is to protect the safety and health of Perry City citizens by providing code compliance review of constructions plans and providing inspection of commercial, residential and business properties for compliance to City building, housing and licensing ordinances.
The Building department issues permits for new construction. Additions to and remodeling of existing buildings and structures. We inspect permitted work for conformance with approved plans and appropriate codes. As part of the permit process, our department reviews submitted plans to assure compliance with adopted codes. The goal for completing the initial review of submitted plans for residential development is 3-5 working days after the date of submittal. For commercial development it takes approximately 5-10 working days.
Building Codes
The State of Utah and Perry City had adopted model codes published by the International Code Council (ICC). The current editions of these codes include: 2006 International Building Code, 2006 International Residential Code, the 2006 Energy Conservation Code, the 2006 International Plumbing Code, the 2006 International Mechanical Code, the 2006 International Fuel Gas Code, the 2005 National Electrical Code and the 2000 International Fire Code. Perry City uses the fee schedule listed in the 1997 Uniform Administrative Code. Design criteria to be considered in Perry City are: Seismic E- Wind Speed 90mph, Exposure C. Ground snow load is 43- 50 pounds. Footing frost depth is a minimum of 30 inches. The weathering condition applicable to Perry City is considered severe and the winter design temperature is 8 degrees. All plans for new commercial structures, additions to or structural remodels of commercial buildings, and non-structural remodels over 3000 square feet in area require a stamp or seal by a State licensed professional. Most repairs or alterations require a building permit include, remodel new addition, re-roofing and siding, electrical remodeling, plumbing replacement, etc. State law requires that a contractor/owner obtain necessary permits and have required inspections.
What is Required for a Permit?
To process a commercial/residential building permit you need two complete sets of plans containing the following information:
- Site and plot plan (8 � x 11 size)
- Footing and foundation plan
- Floor plan for each floor
- Elevations
- Construction details & specifications
- Plumbing, electrical, and mechanical layouts
- An energy analysis report showing that the building complies with the current edition of the Model Energy Code (prescriptive method or MECcheck)
- All new residential plans must be stamped by a Utah State Licensed Engineer, all commercial plans must be stamped by Engineer and Architect.
Commonly Asked Questions
What about zoning?
Zoning governs, within a defined area, the types of building and their use. Zoning is regulated based on the General Plan adopted by Perry City. Some questions and approvals for zoning can be issued over-the-counter by the same staff that reviews your building plans. Others need reviews by specialty zoning or planning staff. Planning information can be obtained by calling 435-723-6461.
Can I do the work myself?
Homeowners may be issued permits to perform any work on their own single - family residence in which they reside.
What about a contractor?
The City recommends that you deal only with a contractor licensed by the State of Utah Division of occupational & Professional Licensing (DOPL). Their telephone number is (801) 530-6628 if you need further information.
What about inspections?
The permit holder needs to call for inspections at specific times during the construction. We require 24 hours notice on all inspections. The following are the inspections are required in Perry City.
- Sewer and water service lines: When the lines are installed from the road to the structure before the excavations is covered.
- Footing: When excavation is complete, the forms and reinforcement steel are in place but before any concrete is poured.
- Foundation: When forms and reinforcing steel are in place, but before any concrete is poured
- UndergroundUnder slab: When underground plumbing and heating is in place but before the pips are buried ad the floor slab is poured.
- Rough 4-way: When the wiring, plumbing and heating are installed and the framing is complete. Inspections includes the following:
- Framing: When all roof, walls, floor framing, fire stopping, and bracing are complete
- Electrical: Rough wiring, before any part of the work is concealed
- Plumbing: Rough plumbing before any part of the work is concealed
- Heating and refrigeration: before any part of the work is concealed
- Power to panel: Electrical meter is placed and ready to be hooked up
- SheetrockDrywall: After nailing and before taping of required firewalls and braced walls
- Final Inspection: When all framing, electrical plumbing and mechanical work is completer but prior to final occupancy of the building
Should you have any questions regarding these inspections or schedule an inspection contact the Building Inspection Office at 435-734-2634