Snow Removal & On-Street Parking
During winter, snow will fall and travel will become more challenging. The dedicated employee of the Public Works Department will be out in force keeping our roadways as clean and safe as possible.
We would like to remind everyone to use extreme caution around the plow truck and to utilize the information below.
Our Public Works Department has an excellent safety record, and you can help us continue to provide safe and effective snow removal by following these tips.
Please make sure you are at a safe distance when pulling out in front of a plow truck. Our trucks weigh more than a typical truck and requires a longer than normal stopping distance on slick pavement.
When following a snow plow, allow plenty of stopping distance. Plow trucks make frequent stops and back up with little warning. Remember, if you cannot see our mirrors we cannot see you.
Remain at a safe distance form rock salt. Rock salt is our main defense against slick pavement and our plows are capable of spreading this salt in a 20-foot pattern behind the vehicle. We do use shielding to deflect this pattern, but occasionally rock salt can damage nearby vehicles or come in contact with pedestrians.
Please do not pass plow trucks. Pleas be patient while we clear a path for you.
Street Parking Restrictions
So to provide access to snow plows for snow removal, it is unlawful for any person to park or allow to remain parked any vehicle upon streets for a period of twenty-four (24) hours after any freshly fallen snow on the streets of the city.
Impounding and Removing Vehicles
While Perry City does not have a policy of impounding vehicles, if a snow emergency is in effect and or a vehicle is in violation of the ordinance, your vehicle may be ticketed and turned over to the police for further action.
When any police officer finds a vehicle standing upon a City street, such officer is authorized to require the driver or other person in charge to remove the vehicle to a position in compliance with the ordinance. When an police officer finds a vehicle a vehicle unattended upon any street or City-owned parking lot in violation of any parking regulation, such officer is authorized to ticket the vehicle and request further action if not removed within the designated time frame. If removal is necessary and or a charge is placed against the vehicle or cost of removal or storage by anyone called upon to assist with removal, it shall be paid prior to removal from such place of storage or safekeeping.
Placing Snow in Roadway
It is unlawful to remove snow or ice from individual private property and placing it in the roadway of any street or private road. This makes it difficult to keep roads cleared, and doing so creates dangerous conditions for all motor vehicles.
Snow Plow Safety
Drive slowly, pass plows only with extreme caution, and never drive into a snow plows cloud. Snow plows frequently stop and back up. If you are driving bumper to bumper, you are probably in the snow plow’s blind spot-an accident just waiting to happen. Give snow plows plenty of room to work in every direction. Do not allow children to play on or near the street when snow plowing is in progress.