What's New
Public Hearing Notice - FY2025 Budget Amendment
2025 Municipal Election Notices & Information
FY2024 Annual Independent Audit Notice
Planning Commission Meeting January 2, 2025
City Council Zoom Link - February 13, 2025
To view the live meeting use the link above and enter the pass code below. To participate in the meeting you must attend in person.
Pass code: 441128
Newly Adopted Ordinances:
What's Happening in Perry...
We are switching to Xpress Bill Pay for our online and auto payments starting September 1, 2024For instructions on how to set up your auto pay or to sign up for paperless billing; (click here)
(08/13/2024click here)
(12/4/2023 click here)
To take the survey follow this link: Perry City Highway 89 Master Plan Survey (surveymonkey.com)
Highway 89 Master Plan Community Open House June 2023
Please join us on Thursday, June 20, for a Community Open House to learn more about the Highway 89 Master Plan and share your thoughts on the draft alternatives for Highway 89!
When: Thursday, June 20, 2024 | 5:30 - 7 p.m.
Where: Perry City Hall (Upstairs Meeting Room/City Council Chambers)
1950 Highway 89, Perry, UT 84301 (South of Maddox)
Perry City, in partnership with Wasatch Front Regional Council (WFRC) and Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT), are preparing the Perry City Highway 89 Master Plan. The Master Plan will identify community-focused improvements that support both residents and regional travelers. Based on your feedback, we are seeking input on the alternatives we've prepared for Highway 89, and we want to hear from you!
Public Involvement Summary for Highway 89 Master Plan January 30 Meeting (click here)
Highway 89 Master Plan
Highway 89 is the main transportation artery for Perry, and much of the surrounding region. It’s an economic benefit to Perry and largely serves as our “main street.” However, the current configuration of the highway separates the city, does not provide good places to cross (for cars or pedestrians), and its main street feel isn’t particularly inviting. Perry City has long recognized the need to improve the highway to meet our residents’ needs. However, Perry doesn’t own, or even control the highway; the Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT) does. This has made it difficult to come up with cost effective, actionable plans to improve Highway 89 in the past.
By working with UDOT and the Wasatch Front Regional Council (WFRC), Perry City has now developed a three-step plan to make Highway 89 both meet regional transportation needs and guide the highway’s development in a way that meets Perry’s long-term needs, all while keeping cost to the city low. These steps are:
- Create a Highway 89 Master Plan, in conjunction with UDOT and WFRC
- Enter into a Corridor Agreement with UDT, based on the Master Plan
- Obtain funding from UDOT and the State to execute Highway 89 modifications
The first step of this plan is already underway. Using funding provided by UDOT and WFRC, Perry has awarded a contract to Kimley-Horn to develop the Highway Master Plan. They will do this by engaging with the public, working with city officials, referring to Perry’s existing city master plan, and by leveraging community development experience from around the state. Developing the plan will take roughly a year. The first public engagement is scheduled for January 30th.
Once the Highway 89 Master Plan is complete, Perry will work with UDOT to enter into a Corridor Agreement for our section of the highway. This agreement becomes a guiding document for UDOT and will give Perry a strong footing to obtain grants, from a variety of sources, to improve the highway.
What's happening in Perry...(previous information)
Historic Orchard Pathway Preliminary Drawings
Historic Orchard Pathway (1200 W trail)
- 3600 S to 2450 S
- Construction to begin spring of 2024
- Anticipated to be covered 100% by grant funding
- Open House scheduled for October 26th
- Project to coincide with significant road improvements and adjustments to 1200 W
- 2450 S to Brigham City
- Construction anticipated in 2027
- Anticipated to be funded primarily by grant funding
Mountain View Park Playground Equipment
- Significant delays have occurred due to contractor availability. We recognize the frustration and confusion felt by everyone. Thank you for your patience.
- Installation - Fall 2023 (some equipment has been planned for future installation)
- Funding sources include Impact Fees and the General Fund
Perry Park Swings
- COMPLETE – July 2023
- Majority of funding was received from Stotz Equipment
- Additional funding from the Parks Budget in the General Fund.
Well #5 (new culinary water well)
- Legal preparation is ongoing
- Engineering and design work is forthcoming
- Construction is tentatively anticipated 2026-2027
- Funding sources include federal ARPA funds and local Impact Fees
Generators for Well #3 and #4
- Majority of costs covered by FEMA grant funding
- Construction is anticipated in the summer of 2024
Community Forestry Partnership Grant
- Recently Awarded
- This grant will provide for tree maintenance as well as a tree inventory, management plan, and updated ordinance.
Hwy 89 Master Plan
- Project will commence in the Fall of 2023
- Grant funding has been obtained via WFRC and UDOT
Lodge/City Hall
- Construction is nearly complete
- Additional grant funding is being pursued
- Landscaping and signage will be pursued in the future as allowed by budget
State Building Construction (located behind the Bridgerland Technical College and the Driver’s License Division)
- This is a state project that will house Highway patrol services, dispatch, and the Driver’s License office.
2023 Municipal General Election Information (click here)
2024 Meeting Schedule

Heritage - Community - Progress